3 Best Cat Breeds For Kids

Rezan Hasan
4 min readDec 27, 2022


3 Best Cat Breeds for Kids

Adopting a pet can be a serious decision especially if there are young children in the family. One of the best pets to be considered is Cats. Cats are fit to suit families since they require minimal attention, are self-sustainable and low effort is needed to care for them. Additionally, cats can be instrumental in a child's life by teaching them: responsibility, kindness, tolerance, and respect.

Though all cats are not the same and vary from breed to breed, each breed has its own distinct characteristics which can or cannot suit your requirements. After conducting extensive research and review we have come up with the 3 best cat breeds for kids.

We will be analyzing the different cat breeds based on the following 3 properties:

1. Energy

Cats are generally classified as lazy and sleepy animals. The majority of the time cats love to nap for hours on end, though contrary to standard belief cats are infact very playful and energetic and do require a substantial amount of attention. Therefore, before making a final decision, families and kids should think about how much they are willing to invest in their cat.

2. Personality

Just like us humans cats have differing personalities, some are known to be very friendly and attention seekers while others may be shy and prefer their own private space. Thus it is crucial to know the nature of the cat beforehand

3. Size

Lastly, each cat owner should beforehand consider how large or small they would want their cat to be. Additionally, they should be aware with respect to the cat's fur type some cats have large fur coats and thus require extensive grooming while others have no fur at all. Thus based on the following 3 characteristics we have come up with a comprehensive list of the best cats for kids.

Cat 1: Abyssinian Cat

Abyssinian cats are placed third on the list, these cats are very energetic and playful cats. They are known for their athleticism and your children will have a blast playing with them until both of them snooze out. Moreover, these cats are very friendly and love being in the presence of people, and can adapt easily to a new environment. The Abyssinian is known for their phenomenal brownish-red fur coat, they are regarded as one of the most beautiful cats. With regards to their size, they are on the moderate side growing up to 10–12 inches, and tend to shed fur only in the warmer periods. People with kids aged 7 and above are best fit to this type of cat.

Cat 2: Himalayan Cat

Himalayan cats are a very unique breed of cat species. These cats are a hybrid of the famed Persian Cat and the Intelligent Siamese. They have the renowned full coat while side by side having the mixed coat color of white and black. These cats are lower on the playfulness side but still enjoy a good play session. These cats have the perfect temperament for families with children since they don't mind being picked up and are very affectionate. Pam Nichols, DVM, president of the American Animal Hospital Association stated that these cats are amongst the most affectionate and on par with the level of dogs, they love to love a good cuddle session. The downside of the Himalayas is that they require significant grooming to ensure their well-being, and their large fluffy fur coat needs to be combed at least every other day. This cat is the perfect cat for laidback families

Cat 3: Ragdoll

The cat ranked at the top of the list is the Ragdoll. Ragdolls are extremely clever, outgoing, and affectionate attitudes, making them arguably the most child-friendly cat on the list. They are also quite patient, which means that they can manage the shenanigans of children and do not mind being picked up too much, and love to sit in the laps of their owners. Such features prove why Ragdolls are the world's most popular cat breed.


Adopting a cat is a serious decision and quite a challenge, choosing the right one is always difficult but once understand your requirements you can welcome a new fluffy member to your family.

